Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoLessicoIo e gli altriChiedere e dare un permesso, avere un permesso

Unit 9

10 esercizi

Lingua inglese

Complete the rules that regulate the use of some modal verbs. There is one word which you do not need to use.
1) To express strong obligation we use ________.
2) To express general abilities in the past we use ________.
3) To express doubt, probability, possibility, reproach or irritation we use ________.
4) For asking and giving permission in a very formal way we use ________.

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Choose the correct sentences.
A: You should forgive your sister, she is very sorry for what she did.
B: You should to forgive your sister, she is very sorry for what she did.
C: You ought forgive your sister, she is very sorry for what she did.
D: You ought to forgive your sister, she is very sorry for what she did.
E: You'd better to forgive your sister, or else your parents won't let you go out.
F: You'd better forgive your sister, or else your parents won't let you go out.
Scelta multipla

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence.
1) I remember that Aaron ________ crawl at eight months.
2) The plane ________ accommodate from 300 to 340 passengers.
3) ________ I use the toilet, please?
4) You ________ be more polite to your grandparents!
Completamento chiuso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Complete the dialogues with the correct modal verbs following the suggestions given in brackets.
1) A: ________ I borrow your handbag, mum?
B: Yes, of course.
(ask for permission in an informal, but polite way)
2) A: When ________ we see the church?
B: When the service is over.
(ask for permission in a formal way)
3) A: Bill, ________ you feed my dog while I'm on holiday?
B: Of course!
(make an informal request)
Completamento aperto

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Complete the text with the correct form of the modal verbs may, might or have to.
When travelling by plane, each passenger ________ carry only one personal item onboard, such as a purse, laptop and so on.
Passengers ________ present only one closed bag, which ________ fit in the space allocated to hand luggage.
Any medications ________ be taken with you onboard. You ________ also take onboard any medical equipment you ________ need during the trip.
Completamento aperto

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Choose the wrong sentence.
A: When we go to the swimming pool we have to wearing a swimming cap.
B: When we go to the swimming pool we have to wear a swimming cap.
C: When we go to the swimming pool we don't have to wear a swimming cap.
Scelta multipla

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

A: If we save enough money, we ought be able to spend our Christmas holidays in Rome this year. Might you help me find an accommodation?
B: Yes, of course! I've been to Rome several times recently, and I can suggest some really nice hotels. First of all, you will book in advance.
A: I don't know if we will be able to do that. Do you think we have to find any last-minute offers?
B: You might find some, but I don't know. In any case, you'd better start looking for a hotel as soon as possible. Or maybe you might to stay in a hostel: I've been in a very nice one, I'll give you the name.
A: Thank you.
Trova errore

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Complete the sentences with the correct word. There is one word which you do not need to use.
1) You'd better walk: traffic is in complete ________ because of the football match.
2) Did you know that there is a smartphone ________ to repel mosquitoes?
3) Did the doctor ________ you about the side effects of this medication?
4) The driver tried to correct the ________ of the car, but he couldn't.
5) I know Sandra very well: we've been doing the same ________ every day for the last five years!

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Listen and say if the sentences are true or false.
A: 1) The speaker thinks technology is the safest means of communication today.  
B: 2) On your social network wall you should write as much as possible about your habits, so you can meet people like you.
C: 3) You can accept any invitation online, as long as you know all the details about it.
Vero o falso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

1) In case of stalking, don't tell your parents: you should go immediately to the police!
2) You should always walk in areas frequented by few people and always tell someone where you are going.
3) When you are alone, it would be a good idea to go out with your dog; alternatively you can take a knife with you.
Trova errore

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza