Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoMorfosintassiIl passato<em>Present perfect simple</em> vs <em>present perfect continuous</em>

Performer B1 vol. TWO Updated_Unit3

10 esercizi

Lingua inglese

Technology words
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

A ________ is something that you type on.
You connect the computer to the electricity supply with a ________.
A ________ is something that the user moves to click on things on the screen.
You can make paper copies of documents and photos with a ________.
A ________ is something that allows you to store information externally.
With ________ you can hear sounds and listen to music.
You need a ________ to give energy to your smartphone.
Completamento chiuso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Summative exercise
Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.

Any modern technology has its challenges and these can be quite frustrating. Everybody ________ that feeling of desperation at least once when the work you've ________ for the last hour on your computer disappears from the ________. This type of problem, ________ is more common than you think, can be very annoying. ________ find yourself in that situation, it's best to ________ your work regularly. Sometimes it's a good idea to ________ if the problem continues and then turn the computer back on again.
Completamento chiuso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Favourite technology
Read the presentation of three young people and decide which are their two favourite items
of technology from those in the list. There are two extra items.

1) I'm Sarah. I'm 16 and I live in a village near the sea and take the train to secondary school in
town. I spend the journey listening to music as it relaxes me [________], but I need to make sure I have enough power [________].
2) My name is Stuart and I'm spending my fourth year of high school abroad. I've made many
friends here but I like to keep in touch with my old mates at home, and my family of course! I have Skype calls with them every evening. With my girlfriend it is different – we send each other WhatsApp messages all day, for free [________]. I also listen to podcasts on my tablet [________].
3) Hi, I'm Roxy and I'm one of those unusual teens who aren't keen on technology. I don't have a
smartphone, just a traditional phone which is fine for making phone calls, that's all. What I really
enjoy is taking photos but obviously not with my phone [________]. I do like to download them onto my computer and spend time choosing the best ones. A tablet? No, thank you, it's not big enough [________].

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Present perfect: simple versus continuous
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

How long ________ your 3D printer?
I ________ on my computer all afternoon and it's time to make dinner now.
We ________ ten of the best photos to print.
Please come in but don't touch anything. Dad ________ the walls and they're still a bit wet.
The printer ________ twice already. I'm thinking of making a complaint.
It's the second time you ________ the same mistake. Try to be a bit more
Jacob ________ his courses for next year.
Completamento chiuso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Present perfect: simple vs continuous
Choose the correct verbs below to complete the sentences, then write them in the present
perfect tense. Use contracted forms where possible.

download / meet / finish / use / do / study

In recent months I________ my computer to edit photos and photos. I________ (already) some work on the school play but I ________ (not) the last part so it's not ready to see yet.
________ my Scottish friend Zoe? She________ in our school for the last few days and ________ (just) a new app which can help her learn Italian.
Completamento aperto

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Internet verbs
Complete the text with the verbs below. There are two extra items.

When I was younger, very few people used to connect to the Internet compared to now. A desktop
was considered a very modern appliance. But despite being a grandmother now, I am not against
the new ways to ________ the net. On the contrary, I can ________ online on my tablet and ________ for my favourite newspapers and music. I must say I hate ________ things on social media sites because I'm quite a private person and I prefer to ring people if I have something to say to them. And I still have to be careful not to ________ on those annoying adverts that you find on the screen. I actually enjoy spending time on my smartphone keeping in touch with people but still have a few problems when I try to ________ across the screen.

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

The perfect present
Listen to the conversation. Some friends are deciding about a present. Say if the sentences
are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
A: Alison is going to be 16 soon.
B: A lot of people are giving money for the present.
C: The tablet has a very big memory.
D: The tablet can take very good pictures.
E: The girl doesn't care how much they spend.
F: The tablet is offered at a very interesting price.
G: The discount ends tomorrow.
Domande in serie

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Non-defining relative clauses
Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.

Paul, ________ is a keen blogger, will be the coordinator of our dance group's blog, ________ is something completely new for most of us. We hope that many young people will follow our web diary. Those people, ________ become our followers and ________ contacts we will then  have, can give us important feedback to make our blog more interesting. We hope that the video clips, ________ we'll make our dance sessions, will be lively and exciting. We are also going to invite people to post comments, ________ can't be more than 200 words, so that everybody feels involved.
Completamento chiuso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Infinitive of purpose
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Be very careful when using your tablet ________ to scratch the screen.
You need to buy a camera ________ take better pictures.
You can also use your phone ________ listen to music.
Click on the link on the top right ________ open a new window.
Use that site ________ download music legally.
The screen is delicate. Use specific products to clean it ________ damage it.
Completamento chiuso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Summative exercise
Complete the text with the words below. There are two extra items.

We shouldn't be surprised at the many functions of a smartphone. Technology ________ very quickly and soon smart watches will be common too. But when you look at these tiny objects you ask yourself how someone ________ something so complex in a tiny object. A few buttons on a small ________ can work wonders. It can read maps, ________ the Internet accesses, ________ get you where you want to go. You can talk to it and it performs 'simple' actions like searching for a specific location or finding the nearest restaurant. You can ________ to a place, where you have designed of going on holiday for example, and do without a map, a watch, an MP3 player, a camera and many other things.

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza