Unit 2 - BOOKS

3 esercizi

Lingua inglese

David Hayden, the publishing director and a bookselling veteran, is a fan of new technology. He believes the big changes in publishing today will mean "fewer and better-produced books". He believes in the model of the "retroactive purchase" which works like this: You buy an e-reader and have immediate access to thousands of out-of-print classics via Project Gutenberg. One evening you download a novel, like, for example, The Mill on the Floss, having always wondered vaguely what it was about. You  are transfixed. You love this book, you really love it, and want to suggest it to your friends. So you buy the Penguin Classic edition, because it's easy to pass around. And then, when it's your Mum's birthday,  you give her a handsome presentation copy of the book.
A: A. David Hayden likes new technology.
B: B. David Hayden sells books.
C: C. David Hayden is a young man.
D: A. Retroactive purchase means buying a hard copy book after reading the same title electronically.
E: B. Retroactive purchase means buying a hard copy book before reading the same title electronically.
F: C. Retroactive purchase means you buy a book because you already know it.
G: A. Project Gutenburg supplies online versions of books.
H: B. You can read many important books online using Project Gutenburg.
I: C. Project Gutenburg finds and sells books which are out of print.
J: A. The Mill on the Floss is a title that can only be retroactively purchased.
K: B. Different versions of The Mill on the Floss can be bought today.
L: C. The Mill on the Floss is an example of a title obtainable on Project Gutenburg.
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Lingua inglese

I don't think reading is a dying hobby, but the way people read is certainly changing. People are used to the internet so they are more inclined to read things online. There are webpages such as Wikipedia (mostly text), or Pastebin (all text), or twitter (all text). All are very popular. ________________

Younger people don't read all that much. I wonder how different this is from the historical place of reading. I think reading has always been more rare when you are younger and gets more popular as people get older. But that is probably a stereotype; I don't have any facts to base that on. I don't think reading was all that common among the general student body at my school. And I think there was a gap of a few years between 21 and around 25 where I probably didn't read anything. ________________________

I think reading is a dying hobby. Kids are turning to video games, tablet computers and television before they turn to a book. I think we are already seeing a shift toward e-books. I have seen a couple of bookstores close down in my area because business was bad. ________________

Reading is amazing, and I think literature is one of our greatest arts. Books contain nothing less than the cultural history of our entire species, and our dreams and lives and hopes...to think that television with its short episodes can ever compare or replace that....I don't think it will ever happen. The quality of our writings will fluctuate, and I think we're in a letdown period at the moment, but there will always be a big group of educated and curious people who adore books, and would never let them die off.  ________________

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Lingua inglese

The Past Simple
A: 1. What you do yesterday?
B: 2. Who wrote the novel 'Oliver Twist'?
C: 3. When wrote 'A Christmas Carol'?
D: 4. Did you read 'The Little Prince' when you were at school?
E: 5. - Did you go to a bookstore while you were in London?
F: 6. - Yes, I go to Foyles in Charing Cross Road.  
G: 7. Many people come to the UK from Europe during the 1930s.
H: 8. Did the books sell well in the USA?
I: 9. Where you buy the book?
J: 10. My sister got me a book from Foyles for my birthday.
K: 11. Where did go your friend for her birthday treat?
L: 12. I not heard the phone ring.
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