Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoMorfosintassiDomande e risposteInterrogative soggettive e oggettive


3 esercizi

Lingua inglese

1. ________ is the most important thing in advertising?
2. ________ did La Presse introduce paid advertisements?
3. ________ do advertisements still use pitch questions?
4. ________ does the name "the ones" suggest?
5. ________ product sells better if targeted at women?
6. To ________ can you go to commission an ad?
7. ________ brainstorming activity is best for shy people?
8. ________  are contact details?
9. ________ sold sponsorship rights?
10. ________ advert caught the reader's attention first?
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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Did you ever think that watching your ________ TV show could be ________ to your health?
It can be, when you consider what you see in commercial breaks. A study of food ads showed that 89% of ads that teenagers watch promote products ________ in fat, sugar, and/or sodium and fast-food restaurants. These ads can affect how you eat without you knowing it. And that's where it's ________. Children eating a snack while watching TV eat 45% more during and after food ads. Parents should look out for ________ food ads. Fast-food marketers try to get kids to eat ________ food. Ads encourage ________ meals by promising better value for bigger portions all at an incredibly ________ price. The children are commercially ________ by the advertising industry.  Parents should teach their children to choose well. It's ________ to tell them not to stop eating it. They won't, but at least parents can try to educate them. They can remind the children they don't have to order a burger and a coke and chips even if it is a ________ deal. Look for an ________ way to limit the influence of ads. Avoid them. Encourage the kids to reduce the amount of time in front of the telly. The obesity epidemic should make people ________. Get children to say "no" to fast-food advertisements and "yes" to a ________ way of life.
Completamento chiuso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Tv ads to boost fostering and adoption

We are calling for more potential foster carers and 1.________ parents with a New Year TV 2. ________ campaign.
We currently 3.________after around 670 children and are running adverts 4.________ the day and evening on ITV1 Central and ITV Yorkshire Belmont.
The adverts, which will 5.________ for two weeks from Thursday (January 9) will appeal for people to consider playing a part in a young person's future by 6.________ or adopting.
The adverts feature children talking about their future ambitions, with the 7.________You can help them get there".
There are already around 420 foster carers providing 8.________and loving homes for children throughout Derbyshire for the county council.
But more are needed to replace people who are retiring or moving out of the county.
Councillor Kevin Gillott, our Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said:
"Caring for children is one of our most important 9.________ and we're always looking for foster carers and adoptive parents so we can match 10.________ to the right homes.
"Being a parent is one of the 11.________  jobs you can do but it is also one of the most 12.________ which is why many of our foster carers work with us for 13.________. I hope these adverts will  14.________ more people to foster or adopt."
Anyone interested in fostering or adoption can Call Derbyshire on the new Freephone number 0800 083 7744 .

Adapted from

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza