3 esercizi

Lingua inglese

3D-printed pasta – the shapes of things to come?
Italian food giant and Dutch researchers working on technology for rapid production of custom-designed pasta shapes

Once, not so very long ago, the pasta of Italian dreams was made by hand in the kitchen. But today, the world's leading pasta producer is perfecting a very different kind of technique – using 3D printers. The Parma-based food giant Barilla, a fourth-generation Italian family business, said it was working with TNO, a Dutch organisation specialising in applied scientific research, on a project using advanced technology.
Kjeld van Bommel, project leader at TNO, said one of the potential applications of the technology could be to enable customers to present restaurants with their pasta shape desires stored on a USB stick.
"Imagine it's your 25th wedding anniversary," Van Bommel said. "You go out for dinner and surprise your wife with pasta in the shape of a rose."
He said speed was a big focus of the Barilla project: they want to be able to print 15-20 pieces of pasta in under two minutes. Progress had already been made, he said, and it was already possible to print 10 times as quickly as when the technology first arrived.
Barilla aims to offer customers cartridges of dough (cartuccie di impasto) that they can insert into a 3D printer to create their own pasta designs. But the company refuses to give further details, saying that the project is still "in a preliminary phase".
At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, the US company 3D Systems showed a new range of food-creating printers specialising in sugar-based confectionary and chocolate edibles. Natural Machines, a Spanish startup, revealed its own prototype,  the Foodini, which it said combined "technology, food, art and design" and was capable of 3D printing food ranging from chocolate to pasta.
A: 1. Barilla is experimenting with new ingredients for pasta.
B: 2. Barilla is experimenting with new ways of designing pasta.
C: 3. 3D printing is very expensive.
D: 4. The example of rose-shaped pasta shows what 3D printers can do today.
E: 5. Pasta is only made in Italy.
F: 6. 3D printing is getting faster.
G: 7. Barilla says their 3D printer is ready to be sold commercially.
H: 8. Barilla's pasta today is designed by a team of Italian specialists.
I: 9. 3D Systems is an example of a European company.
J: 10. The Foodini 3D printer was developed in Europe.
Vero o falso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

A: I've booked the tickets. I'm so happy 1.________ to Portugal on holiday!
B: When 2.________

A: I'm going to the shops. 3.________ anything?
B: Let me think ... oh yes. I need some stamps.
B: OK, no problem, 4.________ to the post office anyway so 5.________ some while I'm there.

A: Does anyone want to come to the park with me this afternoon?
B: Sure! 6.________ with you. I 7.________ any plans for this  afternoon

A: What 8.________ this weekend?
B: I don't know. Maybe some studying. Or maybe not!
A: I've booked a tennis court but I can't find anyone to play with me.
B: 9.________ and play with you. That's sounds much more fun than studying!

A Can you help me move the table later?
B Well, 10. ________ you now if you like but 11.________ out later.

A My brother's very worried because 12.________ his driving test next week and he can't reverse the car yet.
B Tell him not to worry!
Completamento chiuso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Countable or uncountable? Correct (A) or incorrect (B)?
A: 1. I bought a lot of expensive furnitures for my new house.
B: 2. My mother gave her a good piece of advice.
C: 3. You should use specialist equipments for this task.
D: 4. These informations are very out of date.
E: 5. The weather is set to improve.
F: 6. There is a lot of advice on the website.
G: 7. Don't go to Rome in July:  the weathers are really too hot.
H: 8. The boys took too much equipment on their camping trip.
I: 9. You can often good furniture second-hand.
J: 10. She found lots of information for her project on internet.
Vero o falso

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza