Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoLetteratura inglese - The Middle AgesThe Middle Ages: overview

Literature and genres in the Middle Ages


Lingua inglese

10 esercizi

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Anglo-Saxon and medieval literature
History and genres / Beowulf / Authors and works / Literature and genres in the Middle Ages / Literature and genres in the Old English period / The Medieval ballad
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Lingua inglese

10 esercizi
Anglo-Saxon and medieval literature
History and genres / Beowulf / Authors and works / Literature and genres in the Middle Ages / Literature and genres in the Old English period / The Medieval ballad / Geoffrey Chaucer

Lingua inglese

10 esercizi
The Elizabethan theatre
History and genres / Features of Renaissance drama / Literature and genres in the Middle Ages

Lingua inglese

10 esercizi
Anglo-Saxon and medieval literature
History and genres / Beowulf / The Medieval ballad / Literature and genres in the Middle Ages / Literature and genres in the Old English period / Geoffrey Chaucer