Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoThe Modern AgeModern poetryWystan Hugh Auden

Wystan Hugh Auden

10 esercizi

Lingua inglese

Wystan Hugh Auden: life and works
W.H. Auden was born in Dublin into a middle-class family. As a child, he was a voracious reader of books about science, legends and economics. During his university years, he was the leader of the so-called 'London poets'. In the first phase of his work, he was deeply committed to social and aesthetic issues. In 1935 he denounced Thomas Mann's daughter, Erika, because she needed a British passport to escape from Nazi Germany.
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Lingua inglese

Another Time: key words
Tick the words and phrases related to Another Time.
A: 1940
B: 1937
C: Refugees
D: Christianity
E: Progress
F: Free verse
G: Sonnets
Scelta multipla

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Wystan Hugh Auden: life and works
Homosexuality was considered a criminal offence in ________.
Being a homosexual, in 1939 Auden decided to move to ________.
In 1940 Auden published the ________Another Time, characterised by anti-political poetry.
Auden's ________The Age of Anxiety earned him the Pulitzer Prize.

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Wystan Hugh Auden: life
Auden was born in an ________ family.
Auden studied ________ at university.
Auden had started writing poetry by ________.
Auden helped the strikers during the General Strike of ________.

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Wystan Hugh Auden: influences
In his ________ period Auden was influenced by Freud and psychoanalysis.
Auden was deeply influenced by ________.
Auden was convinced that people have to ________ the political climate in which they live.
Auden used the ________ of clinical psychoanalysis.
Completamento chiuso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Wystan Hugh Auden: the American period
A: When Auden moved to America in 1939, he became politically committed.
B: Auden's poems of this period reveal his disillusionment with the political events of the time.
C: Auden believed that improvement had to be achieved within society, not within the self.
D: In the American period Auden rejected identification with a single poetic culture.
Vero o falso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Wystan Hugh Auden: style
Auden was considered an anti-Romantic for his ________ approach.
The ________ of Auden's poetry makes it adaptable to various contexts.
Auden used different poetic forms, from epigrammatic to very ________ lines.
Auden's aim was to blend the intellectual and the ________.
Completamento aperto

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Another Time: origins and title
Another Time includes some of Auden's most famous ________.
When he wrote Another Time, Auden decided to ________ to the United States.
Another Time's title alludes to the fact that the poet entered another phase of his life through ________.
With Another Time Auden turned towards ________ concerns probably addressed by his renewed faith.
Completamento chiuso

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difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Another Time: structure and themes
A: This section tries to interpret great historical events like the German invasion of Poland.
B: This is the most complex and meditative section.
C: This section deals with the relationship between man and nature.
D: The poems of this section have a light comic tone.
Domande in serie

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Another Time: structure and themes
A: The first section of Another Time is called 'People and Places'.
B: The third section of Another Time celebrates the death of great figures like Freud and Yeats.
C: The second section of Another Time is called 'Occasional Poems'.
D: Another Time combines intellectual rigour and social conscience.
Vero o falso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza