Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoPerformer B1 Phases Essential Performer B1 Phases Essential / Volume unicoUnit 11

Vocabulary: The weather p. 122

2 esercizi

Lingua inglese

STEP 1 English people always talk about the weather
Read the dialogue. Then look at the words describing the weather and match them to their Italian translation.

Amir: Karen, can you help me understand the difference between drizzle and showers. I've been here in England for a couple of months but still don't get it.
Karen: Well, when there is a shower, it usually does not last very long and the raindrops are quite large and fall faster.
Amir: I see … and so drizzle is a lighter rain?
Karen: That's right. It's lighter and the drops are really small but it can last longer.
Amir: Thanks, Karen. I've also written down some other weather expressions which are still confusing. Two of these are balmy and chilly.
Karen: My dad always uses the word balmy! It's for nice days, when the sun is shining but it's not too hot.
Amir: Chilly has nothing to do with chili peppers, has it?
Karen: Nothing at all! It means very cold! Let's rush to class now and wear your coat. There's a gusty wind outside.
Amir: Gusty?! On no! Not another strange weather word!
Karen: It just means that it is strong and comes in separate blasts, Amir. Now, come on. We're late.

breezy    ________
balmy    ________
gusty    ________
chilly    ________
muggy    ________
shower    ________
drizzle    ________

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Lingua inglese

STEP 2 Your turn: use the new words in context
Complete the sentences with the words from STEP 1.

1 Jess, I need to go back home for my scarf and gloves. I didn't know it was so ________ this morning.
2 Cover up because there is a very strong wind outside!' It is ________! I hope we don't get blown away!
3 'Do you hear the loud thunder?' 'I hope there will be a ________; I can't stand this hot, ________ weather.'
4 The ________ evening was perfect to stay out in the garden and relax.
5 I really liked our hike through the valley. The sun was shining but it was a ________ day, and we didn't sweat too much.
6 'Shall we take our umbrella?' 'Let's just wear our hoods; it's only a light ________.'
Completamento aperto

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