Vocabulary: Celebrations p. 46

2 esercizi

Lingua inglese

STEP 1 Do you know these traditions?
Choose the correct celebration for each tradition.
A: Eat hot cross buns and roast lamb.
B: Do 'trick or treat'.
C: Drink a toast to wish the party girl or boy a happy day.
D: Exchange gifts.
E: Hug and kiss at midnight.
F: Have a romantic meal.
G: Watch a parade of colourful carts and dancers wearing masks and costumes.
H: Pull and break the turkey wishbone for good luck.
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Lingua inglese

STEP 2 Find out more about Easter
Read Adrian's blog and say if the sentences are true or false.

I really love Easter time. My sisters and I are no longer children, so we don't look for chocolate eggs in the garden anymore, but we enjoy making hot cross buns with our granny. Do you know what they are? They are sweet buns made with flour, butter and spices, among the most important ingredients. My granny is an expert, our great-grandmother passed down the recipe to her. The buns have a cross on top, made with flour and water. They look really nice! We usually bake them on Good Friday, two days before Easter, as people traditionally do here in the UK.
There are a lot of legends and beliefs linked to hot cross buns. In the Catholic tradition the cross is a symbol of Christ's death, but someone says they existed in pagan times as well – at that time the bun was probably like the moon, with the cross dividing it in four parts. Some consider hot cross buns a sign of friendship and I believe this is true. Last year we baked 40 buns and shared them with our family and neighbours. Everyone loved them!
A: Adrian loves Easter time because of the chocolate eggs.
B: Hot cross buns contain flour and spices.
C: Adrian and his family have an old recipe.
D: They make the buns after Easter.
E: There are different ideas about the origin and meaning of hot cross buns.
F: Adrian doesn't think they can be a sign of friendship.
Vero o falso

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