Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoAttivitàTipologia di esercizioRiformulare frasi, produrre scritti, fare riassunti, formulare e rispondere a domande

Social distancing and the handshake - Short Essay

2 esercizi

Lingua inglese

Short essay
(Risposta aperta senza autovalutazione)
Investigate a greeting gesture. You can pick one of these alternatives (or find another one): the dap greeting, the knuckle bump, the secret handshake, the Namaste greeting, the traditional Chinese greeting, the shaka sign, the Vulcan salute, the hongi, the elbow bump, the hug, the kiss. How is it performed and when? Does it have a symbolic or special meaning? When was it invented? Who uses it? (60-80 words)
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Lingua inglese

Short essay
(Risposta aperta senza autovalutazione)
What social interaction do you miss most during this period of social distancing? Explain why you miss it and why it is important for you. (60-80 words)
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