Queen Victoria’s reign

10 esercizi

Lingua inglese

Queen Victoria
Read the following sentences and say whether they are true or false.
A: Queen Victoria became queen in 1937, when she was only 16.
B: She reigned for almost 64 years.
C: Her reign was characterised by social reforms and scientific and economic progress.
D: Her absolute monarchy was dangerous for the British people.
E: She was intensely involved in national politics.
F: She had nine children with her husband Prince Albert.
G: Her husband, known as the Prince Consort, was intelligent and trustworthy.
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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

The challenges of science
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. New fossils found in ________ challenged the old religious ideas.
2. Charles Darwin's theory was based on the idea of a ________ process of change.
3. Darwin maintained that man evolved from ________.
4. From Darwin's theory it seemed clear that the universe was ________.
5. Two of the main ideas expressed in Darwin's On the Origin of Species were ________ and natural selection.
6. Darwin's most famous book was written in the late ________.
Completamento chiuso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

An age of reform
The following reforms were introduced by the First Reform Act, the Factory Act or the Poor Law Amendment Act. Choose the correct alternative.
A: This law transferred voting privileges from the small boroughs to the industrial towns.
B: This law prevented employers from making children aged 9 to 13 work more than forty-eight hours a week.
C: This law reformed an old law introduced by Elizabeth I.
D: This law was also called the Great Reform Act.
Domande in serie

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Complete the sentences with the correct information.

1. The conditions of the ________ in the workhouses were extremely depressing.
2. Apart from the oppressive regimentation, ________ in the workhouses was very hard and the diet was monotonous.
3. People in the workhouses were forced to wear ________ and were separated from their family.
4. The rules of the workhouses originated from a faith in ________, and were based on the Puritan virtues of duty and frugality.
5. Victorians thought that the appalling life in the workhouses would motivate the poor to ________ their conditions.
Completamento aperto

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Technological progress
Complete the text with the words below.

Around 1850 England saw a second ________, which was characterised by economic, cultural and architectural change. The symbol of technological progress became the Great ________, a display of products from all over the world that attracted millions of visitors. Sir ________ Paxton was commissioned by Prince ________ to build a huge glass structure known as ________ Palace in order to house the event. Almost ten years later other innovations transformed everyday life in England: among these, the building of the London ________ and the railways, which enabled people to travel for work and leisure, and to commute from the suburbs.

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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Foreign policy
Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1. The two Opium Wars were fought between ________ and Britain.
2. During those wars England took control of ________.
3. In 1857 large numbers of Indians rebelled against British rule in what became known as the Indian ________.
4. Britain avoided the revolutionary wave that shook Europe, but supported many liberal causes like ________ independence from Austria.
5. Journalistic reports written 'on the ground' during the ________ War shocked the English people at home.
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone
Read the following sentences and say whether they are true or false.
A: Benjamin Disraeli first became Prime Minister in 1868.
B: He introduced important reforms in the field of education.
C: He tried to persuade Parliament to pass a bill for Irish Home Rule.
D: William Gladstone was Prime Minister four times.
E: He introduced a law allowing local authorities to redevelop the slums and provide houses for the poor.
F: He promoted the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company.
G: He extended the right to vote to working-class householders.
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentence.

Evangelicalism was an important religious movement that
A: emphasised moral conduct.
B: was inspired by Jeremy Bentham.
C: led to the creation of societies which addressed poverty.
D: encouraged public and political action.
E: was critical of the Bible.
F: gave people the freedom to behave as they wanted.
Scelta multipla

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Bentham's Utilitarianism
Read the text below and find the five mistakes in it.

Utilitarianism was based on ideas that dated back to the Greek philosopher Pericles. The movement's leader, Jeremy Bentham, thought that an action was wrong if its effects produced happiness. Happiness was conceived of in material terms, that is, as in the interest of the working class. So an institution was considered unreasonable if it provided advantages for the greatest number of people. In fact, according to Utilitarianism, money could overcome any problem.
Trova errore

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Mill and the empiricist tradition
Read the following sentences and say whether they are true or false.
A: John Stuart Mill was a major figure in the British empiricist tradition.
B: According to him, progress comes from mental energy.
C: He maintained that legislation could not help men develop their personalities.
D: Art and education occupied an important place in his idea of society.
E: He was against trade union organisations.
Vero o falso

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza