Grammar: Zero and first conditionals p. 131

3 esercizi

Lingua inglese

STEP 1 How green are you?
Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets to form zero conditional sentences.

Kim: What ________ (do) if you ________ (not want) to waste water in your home?
Jack: I always ________ (turn off) the tap when I ________ (brush) my teeth.
Kim: What about your mum?
Jack: My mum ________ (do) the washing only if the washing machine ________ (be) completely full.
Kim: What do your brothers ________ (do) if they ________ (want) to help the environment?
Jack: My brother Paul is a real nature-lover! He is really dedicated when it comes to recycling and ________ (get) angry with my neighbour if he ________ (not recycle) properly.
Kim: Really! Well, good on him!
Jack: Instead, Ray, who takes care of the garden, always times watering hours. He never ________ (water) the plants if the sun ________ (be) high. He says the water ________ (evaporate) if it ________ (be) too warm.
Kim: You definitely are a green family!
Completamento aperto

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

STEP 2 Ideas for a greener planet
Complete the sentences with the verbs below to form first conditional sentences.

not risk ● become ● be (x2) ● live ● have

1 If we all use flasks instead of bottles, there ________ less plastic around.
2 If there is less plastic around, the rivers, lakes and oceans ________ plastic-free.
3 If the rivers, lakes, and oceans are plastic-free, sea flora and fauna ________ extinction.
4 If sea flora and fauna don't risk extinction, we ________ more biodiversity.
5 If we have more biodiversity, our planet ________ a better place.
6 If our planet becomes a better place, we ________ a healthier life.
Completamento aperto

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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

STEP 3 A school community garden
Linda is presenting her project idea for a school community garden. Select the if-clauses she uses that are correct.
A: If we create a community garden at our school, students learn Science in a practical way.
B: If students learn by doing something practical, they also develop other skills like planning, organising and working together.
C: If we create a green space in our school, students will feel more connected to nature.
D: The garden will provide a habitat for diverse species like bees, butterflies and birds if we set it up.
E: We use the fruit and vegetables in the school canteen if we grow them in the garden.
F: If students do outdoor activities regularly, they lead healthier lives.
Scelta multipla

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza