Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoPerformer B1 Phases Performer B1 Phases / vol. ONEUnit 4

Grammar: Past simple: irregular verbs p. 47

3 esercizi

Lingua inglese

STEP 1 Practise with less frequent verbs
Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Mr Brice ________ (teach) the children how to make Christmas cards with recycled material.
2 A girl wearing a red and blue costume ________ (lead) the parade.
3 The tickets of the New Year's show ________ (cost) a fortune.
4 Some people ________ (steal) some jewellery during the Halloween party.
5 My father ________ (hurt) his arm while decorating the tree.
6 We ________ (shake) the wine bottle before opening it and it was a disaster!
7 All the relatives ________ (hang) their coats in the living room.
8 I ________ (spread) the jam on the toast for my brother.
Completamento aperto

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

STEP 2 Get more practice with a conversation
Complete the dialogue with the verbs below. Use the contracted form where possible.

not see ● fly ● not be ● forget ● do ● take ● break ● make ● celebrate

Matt: Hey there, I ________ you last week.
Jade: It's because I ________ here, I ________ to LA to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family.
Matt: How ________ (you)? Anything special?
Jade: Well, same as usual in the USA. According to tradition, we ________ typical dishes like roast turkey and pumpkin pie for our lunch. Then my cousin and I pulled and ________ the turkey wishbone.
Matt: What ________ (you)?
Jade: It's a tradition, too. They say that, if two people pull and break the turkey wishbone, it brings good luck to the person who gets the bigger piece.
Matt: ________ a picture of you with your family?
Jade: No! I completely ________.
Completamento aperto

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

STEP 3 Practise for your oral test! A family celebration
Complete the description of Mike's Christmas day with the past simple of the verbs below. Is it similar to yours? Make any changes you need and use it for your oral production.

have ● hide ● eat ● not think ● give ● come ● finish ● spend ● get ● not wake up

Last Christmas I really ________ a great time. I ________ early, but it was fine! I ________ the presents for my little brother and sister in the stockings and placed them over the fireplace. Then I ________ a hand to my parents: they were in the kitchen preparing lunch. We ________ a lot of delicious dishes and ________ our meal with the traditional Christmas pudding. I ________ a lot of nice presents – a hoodie, a pair of cool sneakers and a pair of headphones. I ________ I could receive so much stuff. I'm a lucky boy! We ________ the rest of the day watching a film until my uncles, aunts and cousins ________ to visit us and wish us all a merry Christmas.
Completamento aperto

Il punteggio di un esercizio è determinato
dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza