Chapter C8. La digestione e la nutrizione

10 esercizi


How animals acquire and process food
The digestive system
A: breaks down food into usable nutrients.
B: absorbs nutrients.
C: eliminates waste.
D: All of these are correct.
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How animals acquire and process food
Animals that feed discontinuously
A: have digestive tracts that permit storage.
B: are always filter feeders.
C: exhibit extremely rapid digestion.
D: have a nonspecialized digestive tract.
E: usually eat only meat.
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Centro Assistenza


Mammalian organs of digestion
Which of these does not occur in the mouth?
A: amylase digests protein
B: salivary glands secrete juices into the mouth
C: chewing is mechanical digestion
D: preparation for swallowing occurs
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Centro Assistenza


Mammalian organs of digestion
A: is an important enzyme for the digestion of fats.
B: cannot be stored.
C: is made by the gallbladder.
D: emulsifies fat.
E: All of these are correct.
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Centro Assistenza


Mammalian organs of digestion
The stomach
A: is lined with a thick layer of mucus.
B: contains sphincter glands.
C: has a pH of about 6.
D: digests carbohydrates.
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Pancreas and liver are vital organs
Which organ has both an exocrine and an endocrine function?
A: liver
B: esophagus
C: pancreas
D: cecum
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Centro Assistenza


Pancreas and liver are vital organs
Which of these is not a proper contrast between the pancreas and the liver?
A: secretes insulin—secretes bile
B: sends digestive juices to the duodenum—sends toxins to the small intestine
C: long and flat—composed of lobules
D: sends a duct directly to the duodenum—first sends a duct to the gallbladder
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Centro Assistenza


Mammalian organs of digestion
The vermiform appendix
A: is connected to the small intestine at the junction of the large intestine.
B: plays a role in fighting infection.
C: Both of these are correct.
D: Neither of these is correct.
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Centro Assistenza


Mammalian organs of digestion
Which of these is not a proper contrast between the stomach and the small intestine?
A: digests protein—digests all large biomolecules
B: stores food—absorbs food
C: is very long—expands
D: is connected to the esophagus—is connected to the large intestine
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Centro Assistenza


Mammalian organs of digestion
Peristalsis occurs
A: from the mouth to the small intestine.
B: from the beginning of the esophagus to the anus.
C: only in the stomach.
D: only in the small and large intestines.
E: only in the esophagus and stomach.
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza