Chapter C2. Il sistema nervoso

10 esercizi


Which of the following neuron parts do not receive signals from other neurons?
A: cell body
B: axon
C: dendrites
D: Non of these are correct.
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Central Nervous System
Membranes surrounding the CNS are collectively called
A: meninges.
B: myelin.
C: vesicles.
D: None of these are correct.
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Cerebral lobes
Which of the following cerebral lobes is not correctly matched with its function?
A: occipital lobe—vision
B: parietal lobe—somatosensory area
C: temporal lobe—primary motor area
D: frontal lobe—motor speech (Broca) area
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Centro Assistenza


Central Nervous System
The cerebellum
A: coordinates skeletal muscle movements.
B: receives sensory input from the joints and muscles.
C: receives motor input from the cerebral cortex.
D: All of these are correct.
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Centro Assistenza


Central Nervous System
The hypothalamus does not
A: control skeletal muscles.
B: regulate thirst.
C: control the pituitary gland.
D: regulate body temperature.
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Centro Assistenza


Central Nervous System
The limbic system
A: involves portions of the cerebral lobes and the diencephalon.
B: is responsible for our deepest emotions, including pleasure, rage, and fear.
C: is a system necessary to memory storage.
D: is not directly involved in language and speech.
E: All of these are correct.
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Centro Assistenza


Peripheral Nervous System
The parasympathetic system does not
A: stimulate urination.
B: constrict bronchioles.
C: promote digestion.
D: speed the heart.
E: constrict the pupils.
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Centro Assistenza


Peripheral nervous system
The organs of the peripheral nervous system are the
A: cranial and spinal nerves.
B: brain and spinal cord.
C: nerves and spinal cord.
D: cranial nerves and brain.
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Resting potential
When an axon is not conducting a nerve impulse, the distribution of ions on either side of the axon  is:
A: more sodium ions (Na+) outside and more potassium ions (K+) inside
B: more K+ outside and less Na+ inside
C: charged protein outside; Na+ and K+ inside
D: Na+ and K+ outside and water only inside
E: chloride ions (Cl) outside and K+ and Na+ inside
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Centro Assistenza


Nervous system
Which of these would be covered by a myelin sheath?
A: short dendrites
B: globular cell bodies
C: long axons
D: interneurons
E: All of these are correct.
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza