Chapter C11. La riproduzione e lo sviluppo

10 esercizi


How animals reproduce
The evolutionary significance of the placenta is that it allowed
A: animals to retain their eggs until they hatched.
B: offspring to be born in an immature state and then develop outside the mother.
C: offspring to exchange materials with the mother while developing inside the mother.
D: mammals to develop the ability to produce milk.
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Human reproductive systems
In human males, sterility results when the testes are located inside the abdominal cavity instead of in the scrotum because
A: the sperm cannot pass through the vas deferens.
B: sperm production is inhibited at body temperature.
C: the sperm cannot travel the extra distance.
D: digestive juices destroy the sperm.
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Centro Assistenza


Human reproductive systems
The release of the oocyte from the follicle is caused by
A: a decreasing level of estrogen.
B: a surge in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone.
C: a surge in the level of luteinizing hormone.
D: progesterone released from the corpus luteum.
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Centro Assistenza


Human reproductive system
Which of the following is not an event of the ovarian cycle?
A: FSH promotes the development of a follicle.
B: The endometrium thickens.
C: The corpus luteum secretes progesterone.
D: Ovulation of an egg occurs.
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Early developmental stages and processes
Gastrulation is influenced by the
A: nervous system.
B: amount of yolk.
C: environment.
D: presence of hormones.
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Early developmental stages and processes
Which of these stages is mismatched?
A: cleavage—cell division
B: blastula—gut formation
C: gastrula—three germ layers
D: neurula—nervous system
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Centro Assistenza


Early developmental stages and processes
Which process refers to the shaping of the embryo and involves cell migration?
A: cleavage
B: differentiation
C: growth
D: morphogenesis
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Early developmental stages and processes
Which of the germ layers is best associated with development of the heart?
A: ectoderm
B: mesoderm
C: endoderm
D: neurula
E: All of these are correct.
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Early developmental stages and processes
In human development, which part of the blastocyst develops into a fetus?
A: morula
B: trophoblast
C: inner cell mass
D: chorion
E: yolk sac
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Centro Assistenza


Early developmental stages and processes
In humans, the fetus
A: has four extraembryonic membranes.
B: has developed organs and is recognizably human.
C: is dependent upon the placenta for excretion of wastes and acquisition of nutrients.
D: All of these are correct.
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza