Biologia - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoImmagini e concetti della biologia 2ed Immagini e concetti della biologia 2ed / Dalle cellule agli organismiChapter B5. Biotecnologia e genomica

Chapter B5. Biotecnologia e genomica

10 esercizi


Animal cloning
The major challenge to cloning animals is
A: finding surrogate mothers.
B: obtaining enough enucleated eggs.
C: the health of cloned animals.
D: keeping embryos alive in culture.
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Which of the following is not a clone?
A: a colony of identical bacterial cells
B: identical quintuplets
C: a forest of identical trees
D: eggs produced by oogenesis
E: copies of a gene produced through PCR
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Biotechnology and Genomics
Which of these pairs is mismatched?
A: genome–all the genes of an individual
B: proteome–all the proteins in an individual
C: bioinformatics–all the genetic information present in the organism
D: genetic profile–includes the mutations of an individual
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Restriction enzymes
Restriction enzymes found in bacterial cells are ordinarily used
A: during DNA replication.
B: to degrade the bacterial cell's DNA.
C: to degrade viral DNA that enters the cell.
D: to attach pieces of DNA together.
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Biotechnology and Genomics
Which of these is a true statement?
A: The complexity of an organism does not necessarily correlate with the number of coding genes.
B: Genomes do not contain both coding and noncoding DNA.
C: Bioinformatics is not used as a tool for studying genomes.
D: Alternative splicing of existing genes in not possible.
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Recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA technology is used
A: for gene therapy.
B: to clone a gene.
C: to acquire GM bacteria.
D: to clone a plasmid.
E: for reproductive cloning.
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The polymerase chain reaction
Today, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
A: uses RNA polymerase.
B: takes place in huge bioreactors.
C: uses a heat-tolerant enzyme.
D: makes lots of nonidentical copies of DNA.
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GM plants
Which of these are desired ends of GM plants?
A: salt-tolerant crops
B: drought-tolerant crops
C: protein-enriched foods
D: crops that can resist herbicides
E: All of these are correct.
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The polymerase chain reaction
Which of the following is not required for the polymerase chain reaction?
A: DNA polymerase
B: RNA polymerase
C: a DNA sample
D: nucleotides
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Comparative genomics
The field of comparative genomics is not concerned with
A: the function of gene products.
B: the number of genes in various organisms.
C: who is related to whom.
D: how to cure human genetic diseases.
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza