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Chapter A8. I princìpi dell’evoluzione

10 esercizi


Darwin collected evidence of Evolution
Why was it helpful to Darwin to learn that Lyell had concluded the Earth was very old?
A: An old Earth has more fossils than a new Earth.
B: It meant there was enough time for evolution to have occurred slowly.
C: It meant there was enough time for the same species to spread into all continents.
D: Darwin said artificial selection occurs slowly.
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Darwin collected evidence of Evolution
Which of these pairs is mismatched?
A: Charles Darwin—natural selection
B: Cuvier—series of catastrophes explains the fossil record
C: Lamarck—uniformitarianism
D: All of these are correct.
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Darwin collected evidence of Evolution
Which is most likely to be favored during natural selection, but not artificial selection?
A: fast seed germination rate
B: short generation time
C: efficient seed dispersal
D: lean pork meat production
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More evidence of Evolution
The fossil record offers direct evidence for common descent because you can
A: see that the types of fossils change over time.
B: sometimes find common ancestors.
C: trace the biological history of organisms.
D: All of these are correct.
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More evidence of Evolution
Which of the following is not an example of a vestigial structure?
A: pelvic girdle in snakes
B: dog kidney
C: human tailbone
D: ostrich wings
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More evidence of Evolution
If evolution occurs, we would expect different biogeographic regions with similar environments to
A: all contain the same mix of plants and animals.
B: each have its own specific mix of plants and animals with similar adaptations.
C: have plants and animals with different adaptations.
D: have plants with similar adaptations and animal with different adaptations.
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Evidence through study of populations
When a population is small, there is a greater chance of
A: gene flow.
B: genetic drift.
C: natural selection.
D: sexual selection.
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Evidence through study of populations
The offspring of better-adapted individuals are expected to make up a larger proportion of the next generation. The most likely explanation is
A: mutations and nonrandom mating.
B: gene flow and genetic drift.
C: mutations and natural selection.
D: mutations and genetic drift.
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Evidence through study of populations
Natural selection is the only process that results in
A: genetic variation.
B: adaptation to the environment.
C: phenotypic change.
D: competition among individuals in a population.
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Evidence through study of populations
Which of these is an example of stabilizing selection?
A: Over time, Equus developed strength, intelligence, speed, and durable grinding teeth.
B: British land snails mainly have two different phenotypes.
C: Swiss starlings usually lay four or five eggs, thereby increasing their chances of more offspring.
D: Drug resistance increases with each generation; the resistant bacteria survive, and the nonresistant bacteria get killed off.
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