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Chapter A11. L’evoluzione degli animali e dell’uomo

10 esercizi


Acoelomate and coelomate
The terms "acoelomate" and "coelomate" refer to
A: the origin of the blastopore
B: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm, respectively
C: the vertebrate body plan
D: the body cavity of animals
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Centro Assistenza


Which of the following is a unique characteristic of birds compared to other living vertebrates?
A: Feathers
B: Ability to lay eggs that will not dry out
C: Flight
D: requiring an enormous amount of parental care
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


The chordate lineage
Which of the following features is not found in the chordate lineage?
A: External skeleton
B: Dorsal hollow nerve cord
C: Notochord at some stage of development
D: Pharyngeal slits at some stage of development
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


Cnidarians have the type of symmetry known as _______ symmetry.
A: radial
B: asymmetrical
C: spherical
D: axial
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Centro Assistenza


Which of the following is not a characteristic of echinoderms?
A: An external skeleton of chitin
B: An internal skeleton of calcified plates
C: A water vascular system
D: A water vascular system
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


The embryo
The contents of the _______ gets smaller in size as the embryo grows.
A: yolk
B: amnion
C: shell
D: allantois
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


Heat retention in vertebrates
Which of the following features both allow for heat retention in a vertebrate?
A: Feathers of birds and fat of cetaceans
B: Fur of mammals and leathery skin of sharks
C: Leathery skin of sharks and fat of cetaceans
D: Fur of mammals and watertight skin of reptiles
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


Which trait is unique to mammals?
A: Secretion of a fluid (milk) from mammary glands
B: Endothermy (internal heat production)
C: Possession of an amniotic egg
D: The ability among certain members of the group to fly
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


Sessile organisms
Which of the following feeding strategies is most likely to be associated with a sessile organism?
A: Filter feeding
B: Parasitism
C: Detritus feeding
D: Predation
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza


Which of the following statements about sponges is false?
A: Their tissues are organized into distinct organs
B: Their body plan consists of an aggregation of cells built around a water canal system
C: They are sessile organisms
D: They are the simplest animals
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dalla difficoltà: da 1 (più facile) a 5 (più
difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza