Lingua inglese - Scuola secondaria di secondo gradoPerformer Heritage (Second Edition) Performer Heritage (Second Edition) / vol. 1American literature after World War II

American literature after World War II

10 esercizi

Lingua inglese

Contemporary American literature: general features
Contemporary American literature:
A: was based on the objective analysis of reality.
B: showed a new interest in the exploration of the self.
C: was influenced by the Modernist interest in feelings.
D: developed in reaction to the youth rebellion of the 1950s.
E: took impetus from the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.
F: was very traditional in style.
G: used poetry as the means to express anger and desperate revolt.
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Lingua inglese

Beat poetry and Confessional poetry
A: The most notable representatives of this group were Robert Lowell, Jr. and Sylvia Plath.
B: They refused traditional forms, blurring the distinctions between poetry and prose.
C: The most remarkable representatives of this group were Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Gregory Corso.
D: Their works can be read like confessions of private experiences and emotions.
E: Their poems employed colloquial language and a narrative form.
F: They experimented with graphic visual layout.
Domande in serie

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Lingua inglese

Fiction in the 1950s: J.D. Salinger
1 J.D. Salinger is the author of The ________in the Rye.
2 The novel was published in ________.
3 It is about the rebellion of ________ in the corrupted world of grown-ups.
4 It has a ________ style.
Completamento chiuso

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Lingua inglese

Fiction in the 1950s: Jack Kerouac and Ralph Ellison
Jack Kerouac's masterpiece On the Road became a cult book of the 1950s. It presents a new version of the myth of the Eden. Kerouac's book is centered on rebellion, and adopts an organised structure and a spontaneous style. Another protagonist of the 1950s was Ralph Ellison, author of Ideal Man, which became a milestone in young literature. His anti-hero is a criminal and a rebel at the same time. The book gives an extraordinary portrait of American society in the central decade of the 20th century.
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Lingua inglese

Fiction in the 1960s and 1970s: main authors
1 Kurt Vonnegut, Harper Lee and Thomas ________ were among the most important novelists of the period.
2 They wrote complex novels which depict man's ________.
3 Another major author active in these decades was Isaac Bashevis ________.
4 He wrote about Jewish life in ________ and the USA.
5 His works were mostly translated from ________ into English.
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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Fiction in the 1960s and 1970s: main features
Which words or phrases relate to main features of American fiction in this period?
A: Experimentation
B: Realism
C: Double meanings
D: Science fiction
E: Grotesque
F: Simple language
G: Nature
H: Industrialisation
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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Fiction in the 1980s
1 The minimalist movement has been influenced by artists like Andy ________ and George Segal.
2 One of the essential traits of minimalism is its ________ and dry style.
3 Minimalist writers accumulate trivial ________ to convey disturbing meaning.
4 The main themes are the crisis of the family, ________, homosexuality and AIDS.
5 The leading figures of literary minimalism are Raymond ________, David ________ and Jay McInerney.

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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Afro-American novelists
1 Afro-American fiction has been an important current in American literature since the Harlem Renaissance of the ________.
2 There are some important Afro-American women writers like Alice ________ and Toni Morrison.
3 They combine feminist, ________ and psychological issues.
4 Their works give new resonance to the literary voices of women and ________ groups.
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Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Contemporary drama
A: Contemporary American drama employed conventional formal speech.
B: It featured a close interplay between stage and film techniques.
C: In this period many world-famous operas were produced, such as My Fair Lady, West Side Story and Hair.
D: The most important dramatists were Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams.
E: The centre of American theatre was Broadway in New Jersey.
Vero o falso

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difficile).Vuoi saperne di più? Consulta il
Centro Assistenza

Lingua inglese

Contemporary drama
1 A new vitality came from language ________ promoted by Off-Broadway theatres.
2 The ________ Theatre was founded in New York City in 1947.
3 Edward Albee was one of the prominent figures of ________ theatres.
4 When, in the 1960s, Off-Broadway theatres were commercialised, ________ emerged.
5 The new dramatists focused on social ________ and political issues like the Vietnam War.

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